Sunday, January 15, 2012

Fantasy City

Updated to have the colors/values show like they do on my laptop screen. Worked pretty well, aside from the sky.


  1. Nice one Robby. Gotta love airships and medieval architecture. You had mentioned wanting feedback so here's a paint over -

    Your image is successful in drawing, story, lighting but I felt it could be pushed for more depth. It also works surprisingly well for a square and somewhat symmetrical composition. That said, it seemed like it wanted to be a vertical comp to put focus on the airships, soaring architecture and bridges.

    Anyway, hope that's of some use. Cheers

  2. Thanks for the paint over. I was wondering why the PO was so dark, until I looked at it on a real monitor... I knew my laptop screen was dark, but it's worse than I realized. Anyway, I used a lot of your ideas, and tried to incorporate them in a way that isn't just flat out copying it. I'll hit it with levels at school tomorrow, and hope for the best..

  3. I know I say this after every painting I make, but next time I'm spending MUCH more time in the beginning stages. No rendering until I have it designed!!!
